Social Chumbak

14 Bang-On Things Every Crazy Foodie Will Understand

From those panipuris around the lane’s corner to those pizzas, it is impossible for foodies to miss out any kind of food. Well, because we believe,

“ for every mood, there is food.”  

Neither does food involve any kind of drama nor does it require any qualifications to be met. If you too are a crazy lover of food or simply a die-hard foodie at heart, get ready to relate to the following things.  😉

1. You prefer having a relationship with food than with a BF/GF

Your love for food is such that you more than once have even thought of having a steady relationship with food or even getting married to it. And why even wouldn’t you have such a relationship? Remember, every food has to undergo a severe process of being cooked or being mashed or kneaded. Will any boyfriend or girlfriend do that? Of course, not. Food wins!

14 Bang-On Things Every Crazy Foodie Will Understand
Source :

2. Food is your ultimate way to beat stress and depression

So, you broke up? Let’s order pizza. No matter what’s the issue, for every problem, you rely more on food than on people. Even when you’re angry, you would rather have less food, but would never completely miss it out. How can it be possible, right! That’s food! What did IT probably do!

Source : thatscoop

3. Food is also your ultimate way to celebrate

The best way you can think of is by  celebrating anything is by having excellent food. In fact, some of us only attend certain occasions and parties or arrange them only for the sake of food. You must have food, no matter what!

Source : idiva

4. You Instagram everything you eat

From those cheese burst pizzas to that chicken tandoori, you always make sure to create a memory of every food. It’s not just on Instagram though. You share your relationship with food on almost every social media site like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Source : crosscast-system

5. You are never, ever hungry

Your tummy is always occupied with something or the other. In fact, even the slightest feeling of being hungry would make you search food all over your house, as if you are looking for some secret chest of diamonds. 

Source : idiva

6. You are always accompanied with food

Lay’s, Snickers or just simple biscuits! Your bag definitely has something to eat and munch on. After all, you never know when you turn hungry. 

Source : thatscoop

7. The only thing you hate of food is that it finishes off

Nothing makes you sadder than finished food. That’s one feeling that actually gives a mini-heart attack. Sigh!

Source : theparentjournal

8. You often wish for a bigger tummy to have more food

During one of those rare times, when you are full, you often secretly wish to have a bigger tummy so that you can gulp in more. Why? More food, more happiness!

Source : thefreshquotes

9. You save money to have more food

Unlike others who save for investments or for future plans, you save more to spend it later on food. Admit it guys. You have actually done that!

Source : buzzfeed

10. You are guilty of foodgasm

The term food porn is especially made for you and you have often felt satisfied experiencing foodgasm. Even the very sight of garnishing entices you!

Source : starecat

11. Happiness is when food is finally served

For you the happiest sight is when the waiter finally brings your order after a long wait of 15 to 20 minutes. Oh Wow!

Source : buzzfeed

12. You are known all around the corners

Since you are passionate about food, almost every street hawker knows you and of course, your preferences. 

Source : learninghousejaipur

13. You just HATE sharing food

You strongly believe in the word sharing, but when it is about food, you simply can’t accept it. C’mon it’s no less than a crime after all!

Source : boredpanda

14. You are already hungry

By the time, you end up reading this post, your tummy is probably already calling out for more food. Let’s go and grab something to munch on!

Source : thatscoop

Om nom nom nom! Burp!

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