Social Chumbak

Do you really share a connection with your family and friends?

The world is getting smaller. We all are supposed to be well connected with our family and friends. Everyone is just a call away or a message. You can see them in a snap. Send them pics and even audio clips. Tag them in some funny meme, video, or anything and boom… another conversation is about to start. But are we really connected? Or are these people just your contact, your acquaintances?

share a connection with your family and friends
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Do you really think you are connected to these people?

Leave aside the crowd, let’s narrow it down to your family and best of friends. Are you really connected to them?

If you still think, the answer is a Yes. Then let’s have a short Q/A round.

1. When was the last time you actually spent some quality time with them? By quality time, I mean there was no barrier be it a phone or any electronic device. (However, if you two are at some physical distance then obviously, that distance is compensated through electronic devices.)

2. Did you share any meal with them and had a laugh over the table? Sharing a meal with someone does not make any sense if there is a wall of smartphones or laptops.

3. When was the last time you asked about their day, maybe their well being, or even shared their problems? Sharing the same space with someone and calling it your quality time strictly does not include phones or laptops.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

4. When did you go out with them, for that one good outing which does not include any professional calls unless it is urgent and unavoidable?

5. Did you really take some time out for them without giving any excuse of lack of time, work pressure, or the idea that we are together all the time?

Trust me, almost all of us are sailing in the same boat

There is nothing to be hesitant about or feel ashamed. Unless you have entered into a new relationship and going through the honeymoon period, then we all are stuck in this rat race. We simply fail to take time out of our loved ones. We have forgotten to be connected with them for a long time. They are just our in contact list. Yes, I am being brutally honest and might sound mean but it’s the truth.

Image by Dirk Wouters from Pixabay

It’s you who need to take some time out. Each of us yearns for that close relationship but each time we slime out by saying, “I am so occupied that I simply can’t take some time out.” But you know what the amount you spend on those medicines, doctors, therapists, it will reduce the big time if you just share a good laugh with your loved ones. But I guess, you still think them as time wasters.

I urge each of you to understand the basic difference between being connected and being a contact or acquaintance.

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